Hi all

This email relates to having a meeting to decide how to move forward
with the Chair/Delegation situation.

The three proposals at play are:
[1] - A two-person delegation
[2] - A new -ctte annually
[3] - The original 2011 proposal

Can we discuss this at a formal meeting this Wednesday 18:30 UTC
(20:30 SAST), with a decision taken by the end of that meeting.
If there's unclarity about time due to DST or whatever, it's the time
that fits with 20:30 SAST.


My opinion is the following:

Use the 2011 proposal [3], but change the three Chair roles to two, to
avoid time wasted with internal chair-deliberations, renamed to
'Delegates' for clarity. One role takes the Continuity role (making
sure there is mentoring available, either by the Delegate themself, or
by putting the new teammembers in touch with the relevant people), and
the other the Controlling role (e.g. budget), as per [1].
Assigning the Delegates should be done however it was done for the
2011 proposal.

I think the underlying process needs work, so I would suggest the
delegates should check that there are a few experienced DebConfers
helping bid teams before the decisions, sothat there is a clear
understanding that the teams are competent by the time bid decisions
are made. Paraphrasing an earlier thread: "The bidding team's own
conference orga experience and dedication [can be gauged through
participation by experienced DebConfers and] combined with the DebConf
knowledge brought to the table through the early supporters can result
in a very convincing bid by a team that included non-locals."

It goes without saying that I find this whole thing exhausting, and I
couldn't care how we solve this either way, as long as it goes away.
Hopefully, by the end of the meeting on Wednesday, there is a plan to
achieve this. My personal opinion is also, that these three proposals
are pretty much the same, and the only thing stopping them from
converging is ego. So swallow the ego - ALL of you, grow your
big-person panties, find a way to make all three proposals fit into
one, and by no later than Wednesday evening. And if I see one snarky
reply going on the defensive I'm sending this whole thread to spam and
you'll have to make do without me. I don't have time for this childish


[1] - https://titanpad.com/DC16-draft-delegation-proposal
[2] - https://titanpad.com/DC16-draft-delegation-proposal-alternative
[3] - https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2011/03/msg00005.html
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