also sprach Martín Ferrari <> [2015-09-30 17:59 +0200]:
> The most important thing here, is that there was a clear
> structure, with pretty clear responsibilities and boundaries;
> There were/are many rough edges and many times clarifications were
> needed, but things would have been very different if the reply to
> a complaint about overstepping was replied with a 'sorry,
> I thought this was OK' instead of other excuses that show
> understanding but disregard of these few agreed-upon structures.
> Communication is what failed here. There were people working in
> the background, I was also following some of the e-mails, and
> I also did not know exactly what was going on. But the problem is
> when instead of asking the people in charge how is it going, what
> do you need to make this happen, etc, you just take over and send
> an external communication that contradicts some already agreed
> items.

Since you keep harping on what happened in the past, and I am
getting really tired of misrepresentations by someone who, as you
put it "also did not know exactly what was going on", I am not
restraining myself from writing the following:

Yes, you started to install a structure with the goal of clarifying
responsibilities and boundaries, but *a lot* about DC15 was already
arranged or ongoing by the time you got going…

… including the organisation of childcare. This was kicked off
during our meeting on 3 May 2014. The first external communication
happened on 22 September 2014.

The list of subteams announced on 12 October 2014 by the chairs did
not mention child care or attribute it to any team.

I'll spare everyone the details. If you are interested in finding
out what exactly happened, I have compiled a full timeline of call
logs, e-mail messages and IRC conversations, which spell out one
thing very clearly: as soon as other people got involved, I stepped
back, handed over everything and involved myself no further, except
for when I was explicitly contacted. This happened *after* the blog
post on 24 March 2015.

Curiously, now the teams list has child care as a responsibility of
the "facilities team". Go figure.

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <> @martinkrafft
: :'  :  DebConf orga team
`. `'`
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