also sprach Bernelle Verster <> [2015-09-30 12:21 +0200]:
> * The tension on what to spend money on, and the unclear Debconf
> goals. Taking sponsored food and accommodation vs 'more fancy perks'
> as example:
> […]
> At the orga sprint this unclearness was articulated, and half of
> the people interpreted that the goal is to bring more people to
> Debian (aka sponsor more people to come) and the other half
> interpreted it to mean that the conference should be a place for
> Debian Developers (and those aspiring to become DD's) to work and
> be socially pampered.

I don't think this accurately represents the difference in opinions
and if this is what came across at the orga sprint, then please
allow me to provide further insight.

There's a camp of people that ranks sponsoring as many attendees as
possible higher than what they consider "optional" stuff, such as
the conference dinner.

Conversely, I do not think there's a camp who ranks pampering
developers higher than enabling people to join who otherwise could

There exists, however, a camp of people who believe that we should
not create an expectation among attendees that sponsorship is to be
taken for granted (or be perceived as limitless). Instead, we should
be encouraging people to pay for themselves if they can, and
consider this when making budget decisions: pampering does help
motivate self-payment. And while DC15 chose to give out 5€ USB fans
to self-payers, all other forms of "pampering" were inclusive of all

Finally, some people think that perks such as the conference dinner
are a motivational factor for the local team: angles and aspects of
the conference that leave room for differentiation and surprise, and
that this ought not to be forgotten either.

Hope this helps,

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <> @martinkrafft
: :'  :  DebConf orga team
`. `'`
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