also sprach Martín Ferrari <> [2015-09-30 17:59 +0200]:
> The problem with the workshop was that it was only communicated
> when it was already arranged, rooms reserved, webpage prepared..
> And it was just a month before the conference started!

I'll repeat myself in saying that the communication was poor, and
I am very glad that Bernelle managed to improve on that.

But again, you are mixing up your facts, Tincho. There was nothing
arranged, nor rooms reserved. We had barely managed to prepare
a webpage with many unknowns.

We never considered the workshop part of DebConf, and never wanted
it to take place during DebConf. But we obviously saw the synergy
potential. We therefore asked the list whether the webpage could be
hosted on dc.o infrastructure (not even whether it could be linked
from the official website).

The immediate response by the chairs was so overwhelmingly negative
that we immediately removed the webpage, lost all motivation and
buried the plans, despite the encouraging and supportive feedback
we've been receiving since.

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <> @martinkrafft
: :'  :  DebConf orga team
`. `'`
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