On 03/04/2015 01:43 PM, Michael Banck wrote:
On Tue, Mar 03, 2015 at 03:21:02PM +0100, martin f krafft wrote:
Second, do you see any way to move the deadline earlier, e.g. end of

Not only would this help with press releases and attract attention.
It also helps people to know a vague schedule before registering.
Not all of us can just go to DebConf for its entire duration without
knowing what will be on offer when.

Last year we accepted quite a few talks early, and I think we should do
this again.  So I think we should also mention this in the CfP, like "we
plain to accept a first round talks by April 15th" or whatever date we
come up with. Depending on how many submissions we get, we could even do
a second round, filling up 50-70% of the slots.

Accepting a first round of talks is a good approach. Early notification is helpful to speakers who need to get permission to attend, and an early round of accepted talks published to the schedule is helpful for attendees who are trying to convince their managers it's worth the time off, and helpful for fundraising convincing companies it's worth sponsoring.

Really, it would probably be better to move the whole proposal submission deadline earlier, but if that's too much for this year, we can think about it next year.

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