On Fri, Mar 6, 2015 at 4:06 PM, Tassia Camoes Araujo <tas...@debian.org> wrote:

> I really don't like this approach. People who have a problem with video would
> refrain from participating if they need to convince us that they have a good
> reason. Yes video is important, but IMHO we shouldn't do it on the cost of
> risking to disrespect the speakers' right to choose how to use their image.

I am unclear on who would be willing to go on stage, yet not have at
least their voice recorded.

I'd like to turn this argument around, though. We are doing a _ton_ of
work in a myriad on ways and at least some of us consider the videos
an integral part of the whole experience. The default should be to
share information.

> Moreover, this is a problem that does not exist. We don't see people abusing
> from the fact that they can opt-out from video coverage. I don't have the
> numbers, but following the video team for years, I know that only a few people
> request for not be covered by video, and I don't think this compromises the
> quality of the conference.
> IMHO We can make it the default and explain the importance of video for remote
> participation, but a simple "I'm sorry but I don't feel comfortable with that"
> would be a good enough reason for not being recorded.

If it's opt-out and people are required to give a reason for why they
don't want to be discovered, what are we even discussing if we all
agree, anyway?

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