also sprach Maximiliano Curia <> [2015-02-28 23:42 +0100]:

Four bits of feedback:

First, are we sure we want to invite talks and leave it up entirely
to the presenter, whether they can be broadcast by video? Shouldn't
it be much more that we require permission to broadcast by video all
presentations (not necessarily debates or ad-hoc stuff) and will
make exceptions only if given a good reason?

Second, do you see any way to move the deadline earlier, e.g. end of

Not only would this help with press releases and attract attention.
It also helps people to know a vague schedule before registering.
Not all of us can just go to DebConf for its entire duration without
knowing what will be on offer when.

More importantly, however, while some of us will go to DebConf
anyway whether getting a proposal accepted or not, many will only be
able to go if their proposal is accepted e.g. because only then can
they get paid leave and funding. Therefore, it'd be necessary to
know of acceptance well before the reconfirmation deadline, which
I don't think is sensibly possible when the submissions deadline is
two weeks before the reconfirmation deadline.

Third, are you still considering making some early decisions
including but not limited to explicitly invited speakers? Again,
it'd be useful to be able to advertise the conference with some
concrete events, and it could drive up quality if early submissions
are encouraged when there's a chance to get them accepted early. If
so, then I suggest to add something relevant to the announcement.

Finally, you are explicitly inviting "other types of events"
including workshops etc., which is awesome. But a workshop probably
won't fit in a 45 minute slot, at least not if the goal is to engage

Thanks for all the hard work!

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <> @martinkrafft
: :'  :  DebConf orga team
`. `'`
  `-  DebConf15: Heidelberg, Germany:
      DebConf16: Cape Town:

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