also sprach René Mayorga <> [2015-02-15 01:07 +0100]:
> I prefer the idea of two separate mails, but I will prefer to send the
> CfP after the mail calling for registration.

That seems illogical to me, especially since nothing forces us to
actually announce any talks.

> If we aim to announce some "highlights" we may end using space for
> talks in the first-come first-serve basis,

… which we have done last year, and which is also an incentive for
people to submit events earlier. I also thought it was a great way
to get attention, might have incentivised some people to register,
and generally gave a professional impression.

> I'm also afraid of people canceling on talks that we highlighted
> early, for scheduling purpose is great to know the speaker travel
> details.

This is a problem all conferences have to deal with, and it's quite
normal and widely accepted to announce such a problem and provide an

We are a somewhat special conference in that we are not going to
publish a programme and then excite people to sign up and give us
money. So maybe the order of CfP/registrations doesn't matter much.
I've identified a few arguments for why I think we should push the
CfP first (also: some of our sponsors are waiting for it…) and
an official registrations e-mail later, but I have not read any
arguments for why it's better to do it the other way around.

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <> @martinkrafft
: :'  :  DebConf orga team
`. `'`
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      DebConf16: Cape Town:

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