On Sat, Feb 14, 2015 at 07:40:41PM +0100, martin f krafft wrote:
> also sprach Margarita Manterola <margamanter...@gmail.com> [2015-02-14 19:21 
> +0100]:
> > This was briefly discussed on IRC. It's unclear if we want to send one
> > mail/announcement or two. I think one is better, but I don't have a
> > very strong opinion.  We need to decide this, write the text/s and
> > send it/them out.
> Here's an argument for two separate mails:
> a separate call-for-registrations can be made more exciting if we
> already have a few "highlights" to advertise as a result of the CfP.

I prefer the idea of two separate mails, but I will prefer to send the
CfP after the mail calling for registration. 

If we aim to announce some "highlights" we may end using space for talks
in the first-come first-serve basis, normally we never have problems to
fill up events, even last year when we only have 1 month between the CfP
and the deadline.

I'm also afraid of people canceling on talks that we highlighted early,
for scheduling purpose is great to know the speaker travel details.

> People *can* register early, but if we don't make that official, we
> don't run the risk of possibly having to send a second mail later
> on reminding people to register (which makes the event appear

IMHO two emails on *-announce is not a big deal, people will handle it
quite ok :)



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