Here is an updated draft, I tried to somehow at least partially address everybody but RichiH's comments. I'll reply separately to those.
I also tried breaking it up a bit into screens, but I'd suggest we not discuss anything now which can be easily fixed later. -------------------------------------------------- * I am applying for - [ ] I am applying for food and accommodation sponsorship for DebConf - [ ] I would like to attend DebCamp (DebCamp plan needed below) - [ ] I am applying for travel sponsorship - [ ] I am primarily applying for sponsorship as a volunteer (menu) - video team - networking team - front desk / registration - local volunteer -------------------------------------------------- * About Me ** Contributions to Debian - Free text field *** Instructions - If you want to attend DebCamp, it is mandatory to put your DebCamp plan here. Linking to team project descriptions on other sites is encouraged. - If you are applying for food and accommodation sponsorship *only*, check ; if this represents your contributions fairly, skip this. Otherwise tell us a bit about the topics below. *** Topics - What you have done for Debian in the past? - What are your plans for this DebConf or DebCamp. Note that for DebConf, attending talks and learning is a legitimate plan. ** Contributions to DebConf - Free text field *** Instructions - If you plan to give a talk, organize a BoF, etc, tell us about it here. - If you are applying as a volunteer, and perhaps not well known to the Debian community, you could tell us a bit about your relevant skills and experience. - If you are applying for food and accommodation sponsorship *only*, you can skip this. -------------------------------------------------- ** Financial - Total Travel Costs: - Amount requested: *** Level of Financial Need: - We your privacy, but we also want to reduce financial barriers to attending DebConf. - Please choose honestly which of the following most accurately describes your situation. (menu) - Without the requested funding, I will be absolutely unable to attend DebConf. - Without the requested funding, I will have to make financial sacrifices to attend DebConf. - The requested funding will help me attend DebConf. - I am not applying based on financial need. -------------------------------------------------- ** Comments to the Bursaries Team - free text field *** Instructions - Feel free to put any information you think will help the Bursaries team here. - For special cases like food only, accommodation only, or travel only sponsorship, please explain the situation here. - If you're new to the project, this is a good place to mention Debian Contributors we can contact to hear good things about you.
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