
On Mon, Feb 2, 2015 at 10:43 PM, Gaudenz Steinlin <gaud...@debian.org> wrote:

> I think the separation is more to let people choose to cover part of
> their costs by just applying for food or accomodation sponsorship but
> not both. So people only choosing one would pay half of their costs.

At least for this year, if that's the intention, it would make more
sense to have a separate half-sponsored category, as we have a
full-board deal with the hostel, and splitting the items just
complicates things

> It's not only about people only needing one or the other because they
> sleep off-site or eat off-site.

Actually, the point of the separate food item was for local
volunteers.  However, the discussion on IRC led to mostly agreement on
this separation being not needed (we will likely handle these cases
separately, as we don't expect them to be so many).

I had proposed a semi-sponsored category, but it got little traction.
If we think that there is a big enough number of people who would
accept to pay 150 EUR for covering half their costs instead of 300 for
the whole costs, then we should offer that possibility instead of
splitting into food or accom or food+accom.

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