On Mon, Feb 2, 2015 at 9:19 PM, David Bremner <da...@tethera.net> wrote:

> * I am applying for
>   - [ ] I am applying for food sponsorship for Debconf  [ ] also DebCamp
>   - [ ] I am applying for accomodation sponsorship [ ] also DebCamp

Half or full sponsorship makes the choice simpler imo. Else, you will
need to let people know what cost each option incurs.

> *** Instructions
>    - If you are applying for food and/or accomodation sponsorship
>      *only*, check http://contributors.debian.org ; if this represents
>      your contributions fairly, skip this. Otherwise tell us a bit
>      about the topics below.
>    - If you are applying for food and/or accomodation sponsorship for
>      DebCamp, it is mandatory to put your DebCamp plan here. Linking
>      to team project descriptions on other sites is encouraged.

Nitpick: What if I am (only) applying for travel sponsorship?

> *** Level of Finacial Need:
>    - Please choose honestly which of the following most accurately
>      describes your situation. Your answer will will remain
>      confidential, and plays an important role in our decision process.
>      (menu)
>      - Without the requested funding, I will be absolutely unable to
>        attend DebConf.
>      - Without the requested funding, I will have to make financial
>        sacrifices to attend DebConf.

Nitpick: "absolutely unable to attend" implies not being able to pay
for it at all; I feel an option like "while I could in theory pay for
this, the financial sacrifices can not be justified at the moment" in
between the two above. Or maybe rephrase the above two a bit.

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