also sprach David Bremner <> [2015-02-02 21:19 +0100]:
>   - [ ] I am applying for food sponsorship for Debconf  [ ] also DebCamp
>   - [ ] I am applying for accomodation sponsorship [ ] also DebCamp

While I think it's great to itemise and thereby cater more closely
to every need, this will also complicate things and might not
actually be all too necessary for DC15. There are a number of
factors at play here:

  1. We are paying 32,90 for room and board per day, and
     lunch+dinner for externals would be about 14–15 €, so half
     that. Sure, there's a difference, but there will also be people
     not eating on site.

     But even if not, then let's say we have an average of 10 people
     where selecting the two separately actually amkes sense, then
     we are talking about a different of 140€/day or around 1000€
     for the whole conference, and I am not entirely sure that's
     worth the effort, considering especially that we'll never get
     it perfectly right anyway.

  2. The venue is a bit outside the centre and I would personally
     love to see most everyone stay at the venue rather than (having
     to) leave while there is socialising happening, including local
     people. If DC15 had been in Munich, I would have gotten myself
     a room too, for this reason.

Just 2×2¢… to make your lives easier, hopefully.

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <> @martinkrafft
: :'  :  DebConf orga team
`. `'`
  `-  DebConf15: Heidelberg, Germany:
      DebConf16: Cape Town or Montreal?

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