Martín Ferrari <> writes:

> Hi,
> On 09/12/14 19:17, Margarita Manterola wrote:
>> For the past couple of years, we've had two meetings, a first meeting
>> where some questions were asked, problems were pointed out, action items
>> for the bid teams were proposed, etc.  And a second meeting where the
>> actual decision took place.
>> I'm not too convinced of the two-meeting format, the committee is
>> composed from a lot of people with very different timezones, and getting
>> them all together for both meetings means a lot of time and energy spent
>> on that, for very little benefit.
>> Instead, I'd rather have only one (the decision meeting), and have all
>> the other conversation be done over the mailing list in advance.
> I think that if we are going to keep only one meeting, it should be
> early in the process to allow (force) everybody to think about the bids
> in depth, to ask many questions, to get a feel of the bids, the
> expectations of the committee, and to understand the process.
> We have experience of the committee not doing the homework early enough,
> or the bids only realising problems when it is too late. So I think an
> early meeting would help a lot.
> I also think that the best outcome would be not to have a decision
> meeting at all, because with the mailing list discussions it had become
> clear which bid is the winner, and leave the decision meeting as a last
> recourse.

I agree that the best outcome is to have consensus about the clear
winner. If there is consensus a decision meeting is not needed. The
problem I see is how to determine the consensus. Consensus is most of
the time not obvious in maillinglist discussions. So I would prefer some
form of vote on the mailinglist. We could even go so far to say if in a
first vote on the mailinglist more than 2/3 of the comittee members vote
for one bid, then we skip the decision meeting, otherwise a decision
meeting takes places as there is not yet enough support for one clear

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