
On Tue, Dec 09, 2014 at 08:17:58PM +0100, Margarita Manterola wrote:
> We have two great bids for DC16 and now need to establish the rest of the
> timeline to reach a decision regarding who will get to carry Pollito home
> at the end of DC15 :).
> At this point, anyone interested in DebConf should feel free to start
> looking at the bids ([1] and [2]), to point out any needed clarifications,
> request additional information when necessary, make suggestions, etc.
> Please do not wait until the last minute, do start looking at the bids now.
> [1]: https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf16/Bids/Cape_Town
> [2]: https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf16/Bids/Montreal
> At the same time, we need to assemble the committee that will lead the bid
> decision meeting, so that we can have said meeting in the near future
> (forseeably in January).
> For the past couple of years, we've had two meetings, a first meeting where
> some questions were asked, problems were pointed out, action items for the
> bid teams were proposed, etc.  And a second meeting where the actual
> decision took place.
> I'm not too convinced of the two-meeting format, the committee is composed
> from a lot of people with very different timezones, and getting them all
> together for both meetings means a lot of time and energy spent on that,
> for very little benefit.

I'm not sure if one meeting is enough for a such important decision :\
But yes, we could actually try this one-meeting format as an experience
and if things go wrong we call a second one.

> Instead, I'd rather have only one (the decision meeting), and have all the
> other conversation be done over the mailing list in advance.

> Forming the committee has been up to now a task performed by the DebConf
> chairs, and we have agreed that they will do this again this year.  They
> will contact previous committee members to ask them if they are still
> interested.  On top of this, each of the new DebConf teams should appoint
> one representative to the committee.

> Once we have the committee defined (I'd really like to have this happen
> ASAP), we will need to set a date and time for the decision meeting, which
> is always a very complicated and tricky, but it should happen in early/mid
> January.  We should aim for deciding and not dragging our feet, and only in
> case of not being able to decide, postpone to a second meeting.

It was previously announced that a decision would be made by the end of
January. Can we keep this? Considering the upcoming christmas holidays,
bids teams will have only ~two weeks from now to get things done (at
least getting details which depend on interacting with venues' people)
in case it's made in early January.

> During the whole time up until the decision meeting day, everyone (those
> involved in the committee as well as those not involved) should keep
> scrutinizing the bids to make sure that there are no possible holes.
> Please voice any concerns you may have with this now.  We will also have a
> slot to discuss this in real time on the next Coordination Team meeting.

Thanks Marga,

ps: as someone playing a sort of mentor for Montreal's bid this I won't
be wearing my committee hat this year, although I intend to annoy both
bid teams with questions :)

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