
On 09/12/14 19:17, Margarita Manterola wrote:
> For the past couple of years, we've had two meetings, a first meeting
> where some questions were asked, problems were pointed out, action items
> for the bid teams were proposed, etc.  And a second meeting where the
> actual decision took place.
> I'm not too convinced of the two-meeting format, the committee is
> composed from a lot of people with very different timezones, and getting
> them all together for both meetings means a lot of time and energy spent
> on that, for very little benefit.
> Instead, I'd rather have only one (the decision meeting), and have all
> the other conversation be done over the mailing list in advance.

I think that if we are going to keep only one meeting, it should be
early in the process to allow (force) everybody to think about the bids
in depth, to ask many questions, to get a feel of the bids, the
expectations of the committee, and to understand the process.

We have experience of the committee not doing the homework early enough,
or the bids only realising problems when it is too late. So I think an
early meeting would help a lot.

I also think that the best outcome would be not to have a decision
meeting at all, because with the mailing list discussions it had become
clear which bid is the winner, and leave the decision meeting as a last

Having said that, if there is consensus to go the other way, I will just
shut up :-)

PS: I also agree with Tiago in not moving the decision before the end of

Martín Ferrari (Tincho)
Debconf-team mailing list

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