On Thu, Apr 17, 2014 at 07:54:30PM +0200, Margarita Manterola wrote:
>We discussed this all day long in the debconf15 IRC channel. And we
>found that we are basically in agreement with the following statement:
>The association (Verein) is just a legal entity for contract
>signing/liability limitation/money transactions, but for DebConf
>decision processes, the membership and board are irrelevant.  We will
>strive to achieve consensus whenever possible, and follow normal
>decision taking processes when consensus is not possible.

That makes a lot of sense, yes. It's similar to what we did with
DebConf 7 Ltd in the UK for DC7. It was a simple legal tool to help
with financial and liability cover, nothing else. All the organising
and decision making happened within the team as normal. Phil, Neil and
I (as the directors of DC7 Ltd) had no more say than anybody else.

Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.                                st...@einval.com
  Getting a SCSI chain working is perfectly simple if you remember that there
  must be exactly three terminations: one on one end of the cable, one on the
  far end, and the goat, terminated over the SCSI chain with a silver-handled
  knife whilst burning *black* candles. --- Anthony DeBoer

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