Hello Holger,

On 17.04.2014 12:00, Holger Levsen wrote:
> Hi,
> [mostly madduck and aba were discussing some details about german association
> law and power structures...]
> which reminds me of a problem / contradiction we had at DebConf13...:
> - there is a legal entity, which claims to be responsible to be dealing with > all the money and expensives and holding the conference... said association.
> - and there is, "a Debian entity", these DPL delegated chairs which according
> to the delegation are responsible how Debian assets are handled.
> These two can contradict each other, up to the point were I felt useless as > chair as I was told (by a dc13 board member none the less) that the dc13 board
> had the final say anyway.

We had a long discussions (on list and on IRC), and both solution had advantages and contra. At the end (with Debian style long discussion) it was approved by -team. I don't think we need to repeat the old discussion.

And BTW most of the board members were in common in the two entities, so the distinction was mostly legally (and financially for non-profit status).

In any case we don't want to have the DC12 problems: they needed money to buy stuffs, but money could not be provided without legal paper (which would be provided during the purchase). The solution was that some people anticipated money to local team. Which I don't think it is a good solution.

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