Holger Levsen dijo [Thu, Apr 17, 2014 at 12:00:27PM +0200]:
> - there is a legal entity, which claims to be responsible to be dealing with 
> all the money and expensives and holding the conference... said association.
> - and there is, "a Debian entity", these DPL delegated chairs which according 
> to the delegation are responsible how Debian assets are handled. 
> These two can contradict each other, up to the point were I felt useless as 
> chair as I was told (by a dc13 board member none the less) that the dc13 
> board 
> had the final say anyway.
> _Not_ just saying... this heavily (de)motivated and (de)motivates my 
> motivation to be a DebConf chair... when I'm not demotivated about this I 
> rather think like in http://meetings-archive.debian.net/pub/debian-
> meetings/2013/debconf13/high/1089_debconf_governance.ogv - the slides of that 
> bof are attached here.

...And I'll have to keep my gear set to "whiny", as I still don't see
any kind of change on this regard.

Moray, Holger and me were appointed chairs back in 2011 (or rather, at
some point between DC10 and DC11). I *do* think our work as chairs was
important and positive for DC11 and DC12 (where we also had a fair
share of miscomunication and flames, as it seems inevitable to
happen). We did work as a team, and I believe both the three of us and
the (rest of the) teams putting the effort in getting DebConf going
felt there was a good synergy.

But I do fel something deep was broken in the DC13 cycle, where at the
maximum flamy level we all got somehow bitterish and disengaged. And
now for the DC14 cycle, I feel the three of us just dodging any real
responsabilities and work, and just stick our noses to complain at
some bits here and there.

Yes, I might be unfair, and I do know that Holger, Moray and myself
have all done important things for DC14. But still, I do not think the
current Chair delegation is doing DebConf any good. I do feel we are
more obstacles than agents of expertise, and the "burden" of being
appointed for some decisions does make the working team stop quite too
often to ping and poke us for our OK.

That does not work.

I think that the DebConf governance method should *really* be
re-discussed, or at the very least, a new team should be appointed.

Of course, I cannot and I won't speak in the name of Moray and Holger;
I do know I would prefer not to be a Chair anymore. Of course, while I
am, I try to be more a help and less a burden... But I don't have the
time nor the will to continue that way indefinitely.

I do intend to continue being an orga-team member and contributor. I
enjoy organizing DebConf, and I think it's one of the areas I can
better help our conferences. But being a Chair brings expectatives and
pressure quite dissociated from what DebConf is today.

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