also sprach Andreas Barth <> [2014-04-17 09:25 +0200]:
> If all persons who disagree with the board is expelled before, the
> assembly could consist of only very few people. I had seen that
> before, such a situation is not nice.

In the case of an expulsion, the person voted on should IMHO *not*
have a vote, but be allowed to make a public statement before the

Now, if the board wants to expel everyone but their friends, they
could do that, but all of the members would vote on each expulsion
separately, each time only minus the one person whose expulsion is
being discussed. That way, the board cannot just expel everyone they
don't like at once.

The change required for this has been committed (commit 028f4f6).

> My recommendation (based on past observations e.g. from the
> Bürgernetz München) is to have an equally applied standard on who
> should be accepted as a member, otherwise this could lead to
> unnecessary frictions (independend of how you agree now that this
> should be handled). This doesn't necessarily need to involve many
> people as members, but it should be clear for everyone why someone
> is accepted as member, and someone else is not.

If we choose open membership, then absolutely: easy rules and their
transparent application.

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <>
: :'  :  DebConf orga team
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