On Wed, Oct 02, 2013 at 04:59:50PM +0200, gregor herrmann wrote:
> On Tue, 01 Oct 2013 10:50:26 -0700, Steve Langasek wrote:

> > Clarifying something from Patty's original mail, the precise limits on the
> > venue are:
> [..]
> >  - August 22: earliest date that PSU can accomodate a full set of people
> >    in the dorms
> [..]

> Just to clarify: does this mean that the dorms are available in
> theory earlier for a smaller group of people? If yes, do you happen
> to know the dates / number of places?

I believe the answer is that in theory, yes - there may be some spaces in
the dorms.  I have in my mind that we need < 20 people for DebConf setup,
and have the informal impression in talking with PSU that they would be able
to fit this many people.  But we haven't talked numbers/dates for
pre-DebConf accomodation, and in any case I don't know if those are the
right numbers.  Obviously it's a different conversation if we're going to
have DebCamp or sprints that week, vs. only needing to accomodate DebConf

What would help for moving this conversation forward with PSU is to have
solid order-of-magnitude estimates from our side for how many people we need
for pre-conference setup and for how long.  Is 20 people for two days enough
to do all the setup at the venue (for video and network)?  Is that
excessive?  (For my part, I think 2 days should be plenty of time, and that
20 people is actually excessive - but I've gotten the impression that the
people running the teams don't necessarily agree, so I'd like to hear
straight from them what their expectations are.)

As for DebCamp, http://debconf-data.alioth.debian.org/stats/ already gives
me a pretty clear idea of what to expect numbers-wise; assuming that people
arriving within 2 days of the start of the conference are not DebCamp
attendees but merely early arrivers, we have the following numbers (on-site
accom + self-arranged accom):

DC13: 47+0
DC12: 66+6
DC11: 67+5
DC10: 62+8

So for having DebCamp before/after the conference with on-site accomodation
in the dorms, we'd be looking at accomodating roughly 70 people, plus the
setup crew (20 people?) for the last couple of days.

We can take that question to PSU to see if they could accomodate that in the
dorms.  I expect the answer is "no", but it doesn't hurt to ask.

And I'm basically taking the position that, where the DebConf advanced team
is concerned, accomodation is not a major problem.  Even if we can't fit
them in the dorms, the numbers should be small enough that we can figure
something else out.  Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.

Steve Langasek                   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer                   to set it on, and I can move the world.
Ubuntu Developer                                    http://www.debian.org/
slanga...@ubuntu.com                                     vor...@debian.org

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