On 2 October 2013 03:50, Steve Langasek <vor...@debian.org> wrote: > - August 21: earliest date that PSU can accomodate us at the venue > - August 22: earliest date that PSU can accomodate a full set of people in > the dorms > - September 1: latest date that PSU can accomodate people in the dorms
> - Fri, August 22 - Arrival day. People can check into the dorms after > noon. > ... > - Sat, August 30 - Full day of talks ? > - Sun, August 31 - Hack day / departure day. Hacklabs open, no talks > scheduled (except the closing talk?), people will start heading home. > - Mon, September 1 - End of conference. Hacklabs not open, and we kick you > out of the rooms at noon. ;) I'm hoping to find enough excuses to be in the US next year to make it to debconf, but it's likely one of those excuses will be going to Airfest, hopefully with Bdale and keithp, and that's also on Labor day weekend (Fri-Mon). So grain of salt etc. My favourite hacking experience at a debconf was in '03 in Oslo; the conference portion was just three days Fri-Sun, but the venue was open a few days earlier -- according to the website it was open the preceding Sat-Thu. I don't remember it being that long, but maybe I arrived late; I've forgotten. I do remember having a couple of days unstructured hacking time with various folks there being absolutely great, and it definitely didn't take up much holiday time, only being 7 days all up. The other feature of Oslo was that the "provided" accommodation was a gym floor in a high school, with gym showers, and about three hours of darkness per night. So my preference would be something like: Thu 21: venue open and mostly available, setup day, "debcamp" brand, arrange your own accom (bribe a local for floorspace!) Fri 22: venue open and available, "debcamp" brand, accom available Sat 23: debconf, official opening, talks 1 Sun 24: debconf, talks 2 Mon 25: debconf, talks 3 Tue 26: debconf, talks 4 Wed 27: day trip Thu 28: half day talks, closing speech, debcamp Fri 29: debcamp Sat 30: debcamp Sun 31: debcamp Mon 1: debcamp, accom cleanup (arrange your own accom if you're not leaving Monday) Tue 2: venue cleanup On the basis that: - good accommodation is great, but not critical - if debconf/debcamp is going to be part of labor day weekend, it's a waste for it not to be productive all the weekend if possible locals could take one weekend off and see half the talks, and the next weekend off and do some collaborative hacking based on what they learnt/were inspired by eg - clustering talks around a weekend is helpful for anyone local (or even anyone in the same country who can't get holidays) - maybe I'm crazy, but four days of debconf talks seems more than plenty - maybe I'm crazy, but half-day talks, half-day hacking just seems like a good way to break people's flow - provides a couple of days with the venue open but no talks for the video team to prep - afaik having dedicated hack days /after/ the talks hasn't been tried, and seems like it might be interesting? - four days of debconf, a day trip, and six days of debcamp is pretty close to two weeks - probably makes it a bit easier for Europeans to head home on Saturday so they can recover Sunday and work on Monday though I don't think summer holidays is a big concern usually? - it makes it easy for me to skip out on the second debcamp bit and go to airfest; this is, of course, the key point as far as I'm concerned :) I don't know if the additional two days of venue hire would be a big impact on the budget though.Maybe that could be compensated by only having hacklab rooms booked for 27th onwards. I don't know if there's too much of a challenge recovering from jetlag from Europe for arriving on Friday for a Saturday morning start; I think going to bed at 8pm Portland time would mean trying to stay up until 5am CET, then sleeping 9 hours would get you to 5am Portland time (2pm CET), so it seems like it mightn't be too bad? > FWIW, with the above schedule I think we would represent the DebConf dates > in public communications as being Aug 23-Aug 31 (with clarifications > everywhere appropriate). I'd call the above schedule something like "DebConf core Aug 23-Aug 26" and "DebConf + DebCamp Aug 21st-Sep 1st". Cheers, aj -- Anthony Towns <a...@erisian.com.au> _______________________________________________ Debconf-team mailing list Debconf-team@lists.debconf.org http://lists.debconf.org/mailman/listinfo/debconf-team