On Mon, Oct 14, 2013 at 1:51 PM, Steve Langasek <vor...@debian.org> wrote:

> Still looking for answers for the below questions from the video / network
> teams.
> On Wed, Oct 09, 2013 at 11:48:54AM -0700, Steve Langasek wrote:
> <snip>
> I think that setting video hardware can be made on two full days with 6
people crew for each room... its doable, but don't think desirable. As
pointed before our setup highly depends on each camera and video point
getting to a laptop and one director laptop, things have proved to won't
work outside boxes, missing cables, broken psu's, broken cords, bad micros,
testing, buying batteries, testing on site audio, made that audio talk to
our cameras and mixers, laying ethernet cable (No wi-fi won't work for
video team) and hiding cable mess, for that professional look on camera,
arrange rooms if needed, move | re arrange chairs, stands, presenter,
select the best position to get great shoots, testing setup, made a
training session or two, on the two parts of video workflow, the nice and
full of volunteers, shooting, mixing and directing, and the longer one and
with less volunteers marking and trans coding the video, as pointed above I
think can be made, but its prone to errors and as pointed its full day
work, also from previous setups I can can tell first hand its not something
that scales well throwing more hands at it :/

Also this don't take on account network team work and setup (yes I know
there would be a ready and available network, and just remember some issues
we got into at DC10).

Just my two cents.

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