On Wed, 02 Oct 2013 11:07:30 -0700, Patty Langasek wrote:

> So, yes, this can be an option. If the global team and chairs determine that
> the cost is justified.

Good to have this new option!
> Would Steve's suggestion of an 8 day (or whatever the details come out to)
> conference justify a longer trip in place of DebCamp, or the Targetted
> Sprints suggested by Lucas?

The sprints sound more attractive to me.
> Just, please note that quoting my email from a separate subthread could
> create some confusion.  

Sorry, that was not my intention.

> My offer wasn't to reach out to UPlace to secure it
> for DebCamp.  My offer was to reach out to them for quotes for Lucas' plan
> of targetted sprints around the time of DebConf.  *This is a different
> proposal from "traditional" DebCamp, Scrapping DebCamp, or incorporating
> DebCamp into DebConf.*

Sure, it's just that the new idea of having some additional
hacking(-only) time before DebConf in the same region of the world
made me happy.

Thanks again for your offer to explore this possibility.


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