On Tue, 1 Oct 2013 11:18:53 -0700
Steve Langasek <vor...@debian.org> wrote:

> On Tue, Oct 01, 2013 at 03:12:48AM -0400, Daniel Kahn Gillmor wrote:
> > On 09/27/2013 03:47 PM, martin f krafft wrote:
> > > also sprach Patty Langasek <harmo...@dodds.net> [2013.09.27.1928 +0200]:
> > >> 2. DebCamp - yes or no? We do not have official venue (talk rooms)
> > >>    for the week prior to our reserved dates (or the week after).
> > >>    If we do have DebCamp, it will need to be restricted in number
> > >>    and time (it won't be a week long).
> > > I think we should stick with DebCamp and we should try as hard as
> > > possible to make it as long as possible.
> > > We do not need talk rooms for that, but we do need hack space for 80
> > > people or thereabouts (with whiteboards ideally). And accomodation
> > > and food.
> > I also think we should try to retain debcamp if at all possible.  As
> > someone who has worked on the network infrastructure for debconf in past
> > conferences, debcamp is when much of the custom/specialized network
> > setup and testing actually happens.
> You'll certainly get no disagreement from me about the importance of having
> reliable infrastructure for the conference, but sponsoring 80 people to come
> in for a week and manually stress-test it before DebConf is a poor way to
> accomplish that.  We can do much better - we have deep and broad
> professional knowledge in Debian when it comes to infrastructure, and we
> have a lot of time to get this figured out.  The venue is open to the
> public, and we could start working with PSU's network team *immediately* to
> identify any infrastructure shortfalls.  We just need someone with
> experience running the DebConf network to lay out for us what the
> requirements are, in black and white.
> In fact, wiki.debconf.org seems like a nice place to record such things. ;)
> I've created a blank page with some open questions; I would appreciate it if
> those who have experience running the DebConf network would help fill it
> out.
>    https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/Requirements/Network

Video Team has something in a wiki page [0] can be useful to know what video 
team needs. I checked the DebConf Manual [1] but there is nothing about the 

> > If we only get access to the facilities the first day of debconf, i
> > suspect that we will have a conference network much poorer than people
> > have grown to expect.  We will probably also have a much grumpier
> > network team (is that possible?) because setup work will take them away
> > from the other scheduled activities of the conference itself.
> > If we have no debcamp, does the PDX team have a proposal for how to get
> > the conference network in place effectively starting on the first day?
> DebCamp is NOT about DebConf setup.  We will ensure that the network and
> video teams have all reasonable access for setup before the start of the
> conference, and are prepared for the local team to act in an advanced
> reconnaissance role wrt the venue facilities.  But let's not conflate that
> with the question of DebCamp.

Right, DebCamp is not about DebConf setup, as it is in the debian wiki[2], is 
about hacking, so IMHO it would be really great to have DebCamp as usual :)


[0] https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/Videoteam/Network
[1] https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/Category:DebConf_Manual
[2] https://wiki.debian.org/DebCamp

Norman García Aguilar <nor...@riseup.net>
Debconf-team mailing list

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