Hi all,

many thanks to Gaudenz for pushing this topic forward.

Le jeudi, 25 juillet 2013 18.40:27, Gaudenz Steinlin a écrit :
> The question is now if we are happy with the "formule lunch" on every
> day as it is or if we want a better lunch on some days. The complete
> lunch costs 6CHF/meal more. If we want to improve the lunch I
> suggest we choose the full lunch for 2 days during DebCamp and 3 days
> during DebConf. This would cost us 5100.- CHF (600.- for DebCamp and
> 4500.- for DebConf).

Given the unanimous feedback, I have pushed the request for a better 
lunch for 2 days of DebCamp and 3 of DebConf to Le Camp along with the 
food numbers, including a request for a lighter C&W dinner.

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