Patty Langasek <> writes:

> On Thu, Jul 25, 2013 at 06:40:27PM +0200, Gaudenz Steinlin wrote:
> There have been concerns issued that if we can keep costs low, we should. 
> And while that concern very directly affects me (as a DC14 organizer), I
> think having full lunches on a couple of days would be very welcomed.  We
> have multiple different dietary considerations to take into account and
> it'll be nice to have variety even without those considerations.

We will be able to meet all the dietary restrication which ever variant
we choose. At least that's what we have been reassured by Le Camp staff

> Am I understanding the budget calculations correctly that we would end up
> saving 9900 CHF instead of 15k CHF?

Right. But the exact numbers are dependant on how many late
registrations we get. So don't hold me responsible for these. But I
don't think that we will suddenly get 40 more attendees. PHilipp Hug
should be able to give more details about the exact finance numbers and
the impact on the expected surplus if needed. 


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