Hi Jack

Have you seen the mail below? So far you did not put your name on the
wiki page. Could you please do so soon.


Gaudenz Steinlin <gaud...@debconf.org> writes:

> Hi jack,
> You have registered for DebConf13 either as a volunteer or as an
> organizer. As the conference is approaching fast, we'd like to start
> coordination of various volunteer efforts.
> For the following teams we need volunteers during the whole week:
> * Bar
> * Front-Desk
> * Talkmeister
> * Videoteam
> Feel free to add your name to any listed team[0], but be aware that
> each of the above-listed teams need a certain amount of training and
> introduction, so we would like you to focus on only one of those teams
> for the whole week.
> We are especially looking for volunteers to help with Front Desk on
> Arrival and Departure Day. To ensure enough volunteers on Arrival Day,
> we will offer free accommodations from Friday to Saturday night and
> free dinner on Friday for those arriving early to help.
> We also need volunteers for dishwashing in the evenings. As this is
> probably at task nobody would like to do for a whole week and as it
> does not need a lot of training, we would like to spread to load among
> as many people as possible for this. Please add your name if you are
> willing to help on at least one shift.
> We will certainly also need volunteers for various other tasks during
> the week. We'll issue other calls as soon as we know more. So stay
> tuned.
> Coordination is done through a wiki page. Please, add your name on the 
> following page:
> [0] https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf13/VolunteerCoordination
> If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at
> debconf-team@lists.debconf.org or on IRC at
> #debconf-t...@irc.debian.org.
> Thanks for volunteering at DebConf13,
> Gaudenz

Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter.
Try again. Fail again. Fail better.
~ Samuel Beckett ~
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