Hi Steve,

> My understanding is that the proposal does exceed the stated budget for the
> conference dinner, which is what makes it important to have the analysis
> against the other points.  (We believe we can afford it by reallocating
> unused funds from the "day trip" line; but that's still something we should
> decide about.)

The cost for dinner consists of the 2-hour boat trip + dinner on the boat.
Our original plan for the daytrip also included a 1hour boat trip.
So it is reasonable to split the cost of the boat trip between the daytrip
and conference dinner which makes it fit within the budget perfectly.


About other options: I'd also support a conference dinner separate from the
day trip, but not at Le Camp.
But this would need a dedicated team to plan and organize the dinner
including transportation, venue, food choice,... This team doesn't exist
yet and I think it's also a bit late unless some highly motivated locals
start working on it right NOW.

As this doesn't seem to happen, I prefer the boat option.

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