On Tue, Jul 23, 2013 at 12:20:59PM +0200, Philipp Hug wrote:
> Now, as a matter of full honesty; by looking at the detailed budget
> > source, I see that the amounts were as follows: 50 CHF / person for
> > DayTrip, 30 CHF / person for Conference Dinner; both multiplied by 348
> > unique attendees.
> That's correct, we calculated with CHF 50 /p.P for the daytrip which
> results in the 17400 for the 348 persons in the budget.
> Don't forget that this amount also includes eating out on lunch, which we'd
> also pay CHF10-15 (depending on food option) per person if we'd stay at
> LeCamp.
> We do have an approved budget of 17400 and the money is available, so I
> don't see any need to discuss this again. That's one of the reasons for a
> budget, to be able to delegate work to different people and not
> micro-manage them.
> Looking at the numbers from [1] the boat trip with dinner is the really
> expensive part.
> So if we do the conference dinner on another day and only look at the
> daytrip budget it looks a lot better:
> Total amount including lunch paid to LeCamp: around CHF 14k (+transport, as
> we don't use the boat) which is below the 17k in the budget and if some
> attendees won't eat dinner on this day and mark it in penta, we'll save
> even more. (It would then even fit in CHF50 p.p)
> [1] https://debconf13.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf13/DayTrip
> My suggestion, if Raphael agrees, is to go ahead with Daytrip organization
> as planned within our budget and organize conference dinner separate from
> day trip.

Thanks for your email. I am also in favor of that option.


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