
Now, as a matter of full honesty; by looking at the detailed budget
> source, I see that the amounts were as follows: 50 CHF / person for
> DayTrip, 30 CHF / person for Conference Dinner; both multiplied by 348
> unique attendees.

That's correct, we calculated with CHF 50 /p.P for the daytrip which
results in the 17400 for the 348 persons in the budget.
Don't forget that this amount also includes eating out on lunch, which we'd
also pay CHF10-15 (depending on food option) per person if we'd stay at

We do have an approved budget of 17400 and the money is available, so I
don't see any need to discuss this again. That's one of the reasons for a
budget, to be able to delegate work to different people and not
micro-manage them.

Looking at the numbers from [1] the boat trip with dinner is the really
expensive part.
So if we do the conference dinner on another day and only look at the
daytrip budget it looks a lot better:
Total amount including lunch paid to LeCamp: around CHF 14k (+transport, as
we don't use the boat) which is below the 17k in the budget and if some
attendees won't eat dinner on this day and mark it in penta, we'll save
even more. (It would then even fit in CHF50 p.p)

[1] https://debconf13.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf13/DayTrip

My suggestion, if Raphael agrees, is to go ahead with Daytrip organization
as planned within our budget and organize conference dinner separate from
day trip.

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