Le mardi, 23 juillet 2013 14.13:19, Holger Levsen a écrit :
> On Dienstag, 23. Juli 2013, Didier 'OdyX' Raboud wrote:
> > ...the DPL
> > approved [0] a budget including 10.4 kCHF for the conference dinner
> > and 17.4 kCHF for the Day Trip.
> point.
> > Given the above, I think the only reasonable request to the DayTrip
> > organisers now is to ask them to fit the budget into 50CHF/attendee
> > for DayTrip and 30CHF/attendee for Conference Dinner.
> yes, indeed.  Going 40% over the approved budget is not reasonable.

Formally, the proposed plan is _not_ going over the approved budget, 
which had total amounts, and not the (per-person) details [1]. The DPL 
approved a global budget, not a per-person split budget (we have non-
per-person costs as you very much know).

I am saying that the proposed amount _is_ within the approved budget 
(and I think's it's very unfair to paint Raphaël as going "40% over the 
budget"), _but_ as it is felt too high, taking the per person amount 
instead of the formally-agreed total amount will probably ease the 
acceptance of the plan.

That means re-shuffling the plan a little to drop the boat conference 
dinner (+ aligning other timing details) but we need to work out the 



[1] Also, the per-person explanatory amount was wrong (15 vs 50).
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