On Mon, Jul 08, 2013 at 10:38:36PM +0200, Daniel Pocock wrote:
> The cleaning rates seem reasonable for a cleaning company.  I hear the
> lowest cash rate paid to a cleaner is about 20 CHF/hour although many
> refuse to work for less than 25 or 30.  20 CHF/hr is about the same as
> the net rate the cleaner receives working through a company here.
> The one thing not covered: do the companies involved guarantee to
> replace the staff if they call in sick, etc?  Or do we need to commit to
> hire extra staff to ensure that we always have N+1 redundancy?

Yes, regarding call in sick we won't pay for people that were not cleaning at le

Regarding dishwashing I haven't seen the contract yet but the agency will not
replace students that are sick in my understanding of the way such a contract
> None of these prices have changed dramatically in the time I've been in
> Switzerland and I don't believe they are substantially different from
> the time that the bid was assessed.
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