On Mon, Jul 08, 2013 at 08:21:37PM +0200, Didier 'OdyX' Raboud wrote:
> Le lundi, 8 juillet 2013 20.04:35, Tiago Bortoletto Vaz a écrit :
> > On Mon, Jul 08, 2013 at 07:57:07PM +0200, Holger Levsen wrote:
> > > seriously, buy two dishwashing machines (max 1000€ total) and let
> > > them be filled by volunteers... 5k for dishwashing is like 3% of
> > > our total budget.
> > 
> > +1
> > 
> > I'd join a team to coordinate volunteers on this.
> For what is worth…
> First, this has been proposed and dismissed at the latest DebConf Team 
> meeting [0].

Right, but it's not clear to me that we couldn't go back to this, considering
that the team would decide after having quotes ready. (from meeting minutes):

AGREED: : ask the general cleaning company about a quote for dishwashing for
DebConf, during DebCamp it can be organized by volunteers. Quotes should be
ready for the next team meeting so we can decide.

> Second, Le Camp already has all the _infrastructure_ needed for the 
> dishwashing, including professional machines. What "dishwashing" 
> includes is (starting at the end of the previous meal): cleaning and 
> preparing the tables, putting plates and silverware on the tables; then 
> taking them off there, putting them in the professional dishwashing 
> machines, taking them off there, drying them and putting them back in 
> the cupboards. The Le Camp staff said that, based on their experience, 
> it roughly takes 3-4 persons for roughly two hours per meal to do it; 
> the latest team meeting clearly leaned towards arguing that we can't 
> find enough volunteers to do it.

Now we have the total costs x budget it's time to rethink a bit IMO. Anyway, it
seems we've agreed to talk about it during tomorrow's meeting.


  .''`.  Tiago Vaz                                    GPG  :      1024D/A504FECA
 : :' :  http://acaia.ca/~tiago                       XMPP : tiago at jabber.org
 `. `'   tiago at debian.org                          IRC  :       tiago at OFTC
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