On Mon, Jul 08, 2013 at 06:38:36PM +0200, Raphaël Walther wrote:
> So, my suggestion is to have two teams :
> a) 3 people from 10:00 to 16:00
> b) 3 people from 16:00 to 22:00
> They will prepare tables and be responsible for dishwashing.
> With current forfait, this would mean 
> Forfait:                       6* CHF 800 = CHF 4800
> Social charges estimates: 10%             = CHF  480 
> ====================================================
> Total cost                                  CHF 5280

I really need a decision today. My understanding is that the cleaning is OK but
dishwashing proposal isn't.

So I just describe our options during DebConf here:

A. Dishwashing fully volunteer based at no cost for the association.
B. Dishwashing partialy done by 3 students from 14:00 to 22:00 for total cost
of CHF 2640 and volunteer based in the morning.
C. Dishwashing fully done by 6 students as described above with total cost CHF 

My opinion is biased because I have these 3 people waiting already.


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