On Mon, Jul 8, 2013 at 2:18 PM, Patty Langasek <harmo...@dodds.net> wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 08, 2013 at 07:57:07PM +0200, Holger Levsen wrote:
>> seriously, buy two dishwashing machines (max 1000€ total) and let them be
>> filled by volunteers... 5k for dishwashing is like 3% of our total budget.
> This was part of a long debate - unless we have enough volunteers dedicated
> to handling this, or people who will take responsibility in the event that
> the volunteers ... choose not to complete this task, it's unreasonable to
> expect that this will just get done.
> What this means is that for those volunteer hours, they will be dedicating
> an hour or so after each meal to duties that should have been (and aren't,
> so we're trying to cover it) included with catering.
> If this is the way we're going with this, we need to have the dishwashing
> volunteer crew staffed and ready to start with the first full meal (lunch)
> and finish with the last dinner, and someone to be responsible in the event
> the crew can't manage the workload.
> Front desk will not be responsible for dishwashing.

My two cents. I fully agree with Patty. Although it is expensive, it
is time consuming and requires DDs to miss important sessions, which
means having people volunteer for this is counterproductive to the
mission of the conference. Thus, if we can find a way to afford it, we
should definitely outsource this task.

That said, it does seem the hourly rates quoted seem high for the
nature of the work, so it would probably be worth exploring lower cost
options, but in the end, I think we really should be looking at not
having Developers missing sessions to wash dishes.


> --
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> Patty Langasek
> harmo...@dodds.net
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> At times, you may end up far away from home; you may not be
> sure of where you belong, anymore. But home is always
> there... because home is not a place. It's wherever your
> passion takes you.
>                                 --- J. Michael Straczynski
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