
On Fri, Jun 21, 2013 at 12:03:41AM +0200, Philipp Hug wrote:
> Yes, we'll allow both Credit Card (PayPal) and wire transfer.

I do not have a PayPal account (and I do not plan to change this).

> >> Most banks are capable of performing so-called
> > >> SEPA-transactions, which are not any more expensive than national
> > >> transations. Please make sure to ask your bank.
> >
> > Some banks don't charge for SEPA transactions to
> > Switzerland, others do. How much the transaction costs depends on your
> > bank.
> >
> That's correct: European banks are only forced to not charge more than for
> domestic transfers if the transfer goes into a EU country. As Switzerland
> is not part of the EU this rule doesn't apply and it's up to the bank how
> much they charge.
> Technically it should cost them the same as any other european transfer as
> most Swiss banks participate in SEPA.

Just to make sure I understood things correctly:  Is the receiving bank
in Swizzerland or the sending bank (somewhere in EU) or both grabbing
the money?

Did you considered an alternative for paying to a EU bank (perhaps FSF
Europe) and moving this money to DebConf account somehow?

Kind regards


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