
 - I'm very confused by what I find at
>    <https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf13/Pricing>.  I understood that
>    there was very strong opposition to filling the largest rooms to their
>    nominal capacity; but this chart shows all rooms with 8 or more beds
>    being filled to capacity.  And looking at
>    <https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf13/Pricing/Compromise>, I see it
>    redirects back to <https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf13/Pricing>...
>    and that the last version of /Compromise matches.  So I'm concerned that
>    this page doesn't actually represent a shared understanding of how the
>    rooms will be allocated.  Could someone please either confirm that we
>    *are* planning to fill these large rooms, or else fix /Pricing to
> reflect
>    the actual plan?
> I think, the plan was not to fill the big rooms completely, which is only
category sleeping_bag_big.

> Given these numbers, I think the right thing to do
> is to fill these reserved rooms with sponsored attendees at no extra charge
I don't agree with this idea as it is very unfair to:
a) those who answered the question sincerely but would also prefer a
smaller room
b) those who registered for the 8-bed rooms, paying themselves.

I'd prefer to continue the upgrade for CHF20/day approach and drop the fee
for those who can't afford it on a case-by-case basis.

In particular, I think it is *not* reasonable to leave small rooms empty
> while sponsored attendees are crammed into the sleeping bag rooms simply
> because the budget calls for bringing more income from sponsored attendees.

I prefer to give those away on-site, if there are still available rooms.
But I think this should be decided by the registration/frontdesk team.

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