On Tue, May 14, 2013 at 10:58:06AM -0500, Gunnar Wolf wrote:
> > I'd help looking at the requested amounts and assist attendees to find
> > cheaper options to come to LeCamp.
> > But as I'm also a member of the local team, I'll only join the 'herb'
> > team, if there are not enough other members. Or I could be a
> > non-voting member and just assist with looking at requested amounts.

> As far as I have read, both you and Giacomo are requesting to be
> "non-voting members". I'd invite you to reconsider and be regular
> members — Most of this team's work and responsability is ranking the
> requests. And, as it has been said on this thread, the more people
> ranking, the fairer it will be perceived as. Or that's what we (I?)
> perceive ;-)

I feel compelled to point out here that in the discussions around sponsored
accomodations, the compromise that was arrived at was to gather data as part
of registration about whether those who we want to sponsor would accept
communal accomodation.  In order to get an unbiased answer to this question,
the accomodation preferences of those who have requested sponsorship *must
not* be part of the information available to the herb team; the rankings of
the herb team must not be influenced (subconsciously or otherwise) by the
sponsoree's willingness to accept communal accomodations, but must instead
be based on a straightforward assessment of the sponsoree's contribution to
the conference.

This does not preclude either Philipp or Giacomo from being part of the Herb
team per se, and my comments are not targeted at them personally.  But it
does mean that the Herb team's decision-making process should be kept at
arm's length from the registration team to avoid contamination.

Steve Langasek                   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer                   to set it on, and I can move the world.
Ubuntu Developer                                    http://www.debian.org/
slanga...@ubuntu.com                                     vor...@debian.org

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