
On Tue, 2013-05-14 at 13:41 +0200, Didier 'OdyX' Raboud wrote: 
> Hi Moray,
> Le mardi, 14 mai 2013 12.24:49, Moray Allan a écrit :
> > The main reason to disallow people who ask for sponsorship from being
> > part of the team is to ensure the appearance of correctness/probity.
> > 
> > As has been pointed out, each year we have easily enough (sufficiently
> > knowledgeable) people who are not asking for travel sponsorship, so
> > there is no reason to make the process look murkier by including people
> > who ask for it on the team.
> I think _actual_ correctness matters more than the appearance of it. As 
> already mentionned, ways to ensure that include having more people on the 
> team, request that the team publishes its guidelines and processes, status 
> updates, etc. Taking people off the team is not convincingly improving 
> anything in that regard to me.

I'm afraid that we don't have the needed guidelines and processes this
year. So *for DC13* I'd agree to not have requesters rating others
requesters. However, I'd like to have herb seniors in the team. Not
counting on their expertise would be a mistake. I think we don't need to
forbid anything, but at the same time the team should publish the
current status (related to Debian and DC13 attendance) for each rater,
including if she is requesting sponsorship or not. In short, raters
should agree to be a bit exposed if we really want to reach a good level
of transparency.

Also, I stand my opinion that sponsorship/boursaries/herb team (we don't
need so many names!!:) should be separated from raters, or at least be
part of raters group in a very small proportion. This year I intend to
help the team to improve the process, but I won't be rating. I'm aware
that it's too late to change the core of the process, but I see that
everyone so far agrees that we should at least be able to have more
non-team people in the rating process, and I'll be around to help on



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