Hi Gunnar, hi all,

Le mardi, 14 mai 2013 01.09:14, Gunnar Wolf a écrit :
> According to the DC12 Final Report (which we should also prod, as it
> still stands as a RC — But that's not the subject of this mail ;-) ),

I intend to release it later today, when I'm near my keys. PDF push to 
media.dc.o, blogpost and debconf-announce post with an explicit thanks to our 
sponsors. I'm wondering whether the "Linux Magazine" thing was done though.

> Now, please do note that today (on IRC) it was pointed out that we are
> somewhat late to have this discussion, as we should be aiming to have
> a rating done by early June in order for the refunds to be most useful
> to attendees. So, besides suggesting some ideas as to how we could
> make this process more inclusive / broader / fairer, please state
> whether you are interested and willing in being part of this team
> again for DC13 — Either under the already-known terms, or under a new
> yet-to-be-decided scheme.

I'm very much aligned with Christian's position [0] here: I think we're late 
to reform a process that we know is mostly working. Although adding more 
randomness in the process might seem a nice mathematical enhancement for 
fairer sponsorship attributions, I'm afraid it will lead to some team 
(probably herb@) needing to do manual adjustments anyway, defeating the point.

[0] <20130514055132.gp5...@mykerinos.kheops.frmug.org>

That said, I agree that adding more people to herb@ is a good idea in any 
case: it broadens the rating source, that's why we should make sure to add 
diverse people from various parts of the Deb{ian,Conf} universe.

In my opinion, the clear advantage of adding people to the herb@ team rather 
than fetching input data from more people is that these decisions are then 
taken as a team and are not the result of random sampling. Said team can then 
define a decision process and make it public, get to consensual decisions as a 
team and stand for its decisions (either way). The team gets the 
responsibility to do it right, as a team; and the attendees crowd should trust 
the team in return.

As a final point, I disagree with cate's proposal to forbid people requesting 
travel sponsorship from joining the herb@ team: people asking for sponsorship 
_are_ a (significant) part of the Debian community and I think we would loose 
some precious diversity by taking them off them the team. Then, herb@ team 
members requesting sponsorship must obviously stay off any decisions related 
to them.

As for me, I'm happy to serve on the herb@ team again, whatever route is 



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