Hi all,

during yesterday's meeting at Gaudenz's [0] we discussed the Pricing [1] 
proposal and tried to address all concerns and proposals raised in both the 
"Le Camp Accomodation - Bed selling and prfessional fee" [2] and "Suggestion 
for Professional / Corporate attendance Fee" [3] threads.


We did the following changes on the proposal:

* Accomodation always includes breakfast (worth 10.- CHF). Likewise, it is
  assumed that people hosted outside Le Camp would get breakfast there.
  Accordingly, the prices for day food have been adapted.
* It is always assumed that attendees either get /both/ hosting and food
  sponsored or neither.
* The examples assume a full "7 nights" DebConf and propose a week pricing.
* Attendance fees were rounded up to 200.-CHF and 500.- CHF per "7 nights"
  DebConf. About that, note that a "Corporate attendee with the best room in
  Le Camp" should pay ~1kCHF which is roughly inline with the previous years.
* We moved the "nordique two-beds rooms" up to Copper category: this makes
  Copper a meaningful category for the most probable use for changing
  category: get a two-bed room. Similarly, we split Zinc in two, to make
  explicit that you can get a "two-bed" "sleeping bag" room in that category.
* As it would somehow defeat the point, we made explicit that "sponsored
  food+accom" is incompatible with Professional or Corporate conference fee.
  Also, we thought it would be good to make these prices known to all
  attendees: it gives a monetary value to what we offer. Also, we could
  explicitely invite people to donate the amount equivalent to what they get.

I think that's mostly it. Please comment our changes or the complete proposal 
until the next team meeting so that we can validate it and publish it on the 



[0] 87k3r7c33p....@meteor.durcheinandertal.bofh
[1] https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf13/Pricing
[2] 87bocqds2f....@meteor.durcheinandertal.bofh
[3] CAEwy9bh4sgaZiXAUwh=hu8d05RNiDC=bkgeglxlu5jvpc5w...@mail.gmail.comh
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