On Tue, Jan 22, 2013 at 10:07:17PM +0100, Gaudenz Steinlin wrote:
> It also sounds a bit weird if you want to support the conference but not
> pay for the costs of your food and accomodation. If you only want to pay
> part of your costs you can still apply for sponored food and
> accomodation and make a donation towards DebConf.
> I hope this makes it clearer.

It makes your mail clearer but remains weird from my point of view that
is rather like "I want to support the conference by not creating extra
expenses for hosting and feeding me."  In other words it does not really
fit what I intended when writing


So finally in my specific case it turns out that I need to ask you what
costs of accomodation and food I did created and I need to donate this
towards DebConf.

I wonder if it would not simplify things if there would be some other
status of attendee that is not called "professional" but simply covers
its very own costs.  BTW, I remember a case were some other DD had a
similar intend like me and assumed that professional is paying some fee
but getting free accomodation + food and was a bit disappointed to learn
that he has to pay this in addition.  It makes a difference if you
volunteer to pay 500 and learn later that rather need to pay 1000.  IMHO
we need to make this *very* clear to make sure we will not disappoint
people who voluntarily support DebConf at their very own expense.

Kind regards


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