On 2013-01-30 09:38, Didier 'OdyX' Raboud wrote:
In my view it's not any of these two. I see these category names as "short- name explanation of what the price category actually means in terms of
comfort". Imagine that you register to get a room at DebConf and you
can pick
a room but not all are equal; they have different prices. That's
where having
handy and short references will help. As you wrote above "in one
single point
in the registration webform".

In that sense we need to categorise the rooms and give the categories names, yes. However, I don't see the problem with just making those names descriptions of the categories.

(That's what we do for other fields, e.g. "No food/Vegan/Vegetarian" rather than "Black/Green/Yellow". The only item I remember where we currently use an arbitrary name is "herb" for the outgoing-sponsorship team, which may be clever and amusing if you know what it's about, but certainly causes a good measure of confusion.)

What is the perceived advantage in allocating a clever set of names like materials or colours over just naming the categories by phrases which describe the relevant blocks of rooms?

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