So replying myself, a proposal with real numbers adapting OdyX first draft.
- sponsored food
- food (40 CHF/day, 320/week)
- no organized food (Attention: no restaurant/shop on short walking
and for accommodation
- sponsored accommodation (big rooms, sleeping bag, free)
- sleeping bag, 20 or less (14 CHF/day, 112/week), 2 rooms 36 beds
+ 2 rooms and 58 packed people using "tar xz", 36-40 beds "untar"
- sleeping bag, 14 or less (17 CHF/day, 136/week), 5 rooms 65 beds
- sleeping bag, 2 beds (22 CHF/day, 176/week), 5 rooms 10 beds
- Nordic room, 8 or less beds (22 CHF/day, 176/week), 11 rooms 76 beds
- Nordic room, 4 or less beds (27 CHF/day, 216/week), 11 rooms 43 beds
- Nordic room, 2 or less beds (32 CHF/day, 256/week), 16 rooms 32 beds
- Nordic single room (37 CHF/day, 296/week), 4 rooms 4 beds
- camp/camper (TBA)
- on organized accommodation (free parking)
And separated the attendance fee:
- Individual/student/volunteer (free)
- Professional (100 CHF)
- Corporate (600 CHF)
- Accompanying person (70 or 100 CHF: conference dinner, T-shirt and fun
activities, no conference bag and other conference things)
So to compare with previous year levels:
- professional: 320+216+100 = 636
- corporate: 320+296+600 = 1212
I think OdyX was optimistic (=cheap) on best rooms. I would increas a
little bit the prices of that rooms.
And on biggest rooms, I would not pack maximum people, so no more than
20 people per room. Ev. if the registration will go very well, we should
find some creative solution not to pack/compress unwilling people.
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