On Sun, Jul 10, 2011 at 2:45 AM, Gunnar Wolf <gw...@gwolf.org> wrote:
> Also, adding extra designs for shorter runs (volunteer and video) adds
> complexity and raises quite a bit more the costs.

Right, normally there is a large fixed cost for each design
(multiplied by the number of colours used).  For a small run of
t-shirts this can greatly increase the cost per shirt.

Obviously we need to hear prices before anything starts, but I think
it's better just to immediately confirm the price for one shared

* But, everyone please remember: this printing also must include bags,
as promised to our sponsors. *

The bags themselves should be chosen to be cheap, e.g. like the ones
used last year in the USA.  This still complicates things though, as
many places print t-shirts but don't stock appropriate bags.  (Of
course, they may not have *enough* t-shirt of the size distribution we
want, in the right colours, in stock either.)

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