2011/7/10 Gunnar Wolf <gw...@gwolf.org>

> Holger Levsen dijo [Sun, Jul 10, 2011 at 01:54:07PM +0200]:
> > > , so we can explore all
> > > the details about the print in several print shops here, and then
> decide
> > > which one is most apropriate to do the printing. Can someone just point
> me
> > > out three proposed designs (I know there are 3 different t-shirt
> colors),
> > > so we can ask in print shops and they could propose us the price for
> the
> > > print and a t-shirts. We we'll ask for the bas as well.

Yes, exactly. We've checked in one print shop here (Banja Luka), and they
advised us that kind of printing would be more complicated and surely more
expensive (30%-40%).

Anyway, these are the price he proposed to us:

T-shirt with print (160 gr/m2)                7.00KM -( 8.19KM with AVT)
T-shirt with print (110-120 gr/m2)          4.30KM - (5.03KM with AVT)

He said that those values (160 gr/m2, ..) refer to T-shirt quality. The
first one are made of better material, it's thicker then the second one.
Delivery period is from 7 - 10 from sending the request for printing. And a
date of payment is 15 days after receiving the goods.

If it's necessary we can go and check for ourself (this shop is a little bit
out of the town).

> > http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf11/T-Shirts has a collection of
> designs,
> > we still need to pick one (and then make 3 out of this one, by adding the
> > words "staff" / "videoteam")
> The above cited designs were made based on the possibility of having a
> specific workshop that can print on the full body of the shirt (that
> is, printing before cutting the cloth). This is, however, the least
> common (and most expensive) way to print. Ask at the workshop first -
> Usually they will accept designs covering slightly more than an A4
> page (of course, one at the front and one at the back).
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