Richard Darst dijo [Fri, Jul 08, 2011 at 05:38:46AM -0400]:
> Adnan,
> From the call with DIVA, I heard that you have arranged all t-shirt
> printing, and they are just waiting for money.  It would be good to
> know what these plans are.
> Some questions about this:
> - How many different designs?  (We need "normal", "volunteer", and
>   "video team" at least)  Colors?
> - How many of each design?  How many of each size for each design?
> - What is the total cost, and cost per each?
> - How long will they take to print?

FWIW, and just for the "normal" shirts, the numbers we currently have

pentabarf=> SELECT DISTINCT t_shirt_size, count(*) FROM 
debconf.dc_conference_person  JOIN conference_person USING 
(person_id,conference_id) JOIN debconf.dc_t_shirt_sizes using 
(t_shirt_sizes_id) WHERE conference_id=5 AND reconfirmed=true GROUP BY 
t_shirt_size ORDER BY t_shirt_size DESC;
    t_shirt_size    | count 
 Small              |    12
 No Shirt selected  |     6
 Medium             |    82
 Large              |   115
 Female small       |     6
 Female medium      |    14
 Female large       |     7
 Female extra large |     2
 Extra large        |    85
 Extra extra large  |    39
(10 rows)
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