Adnan Hodzic dijo [Sat, Jul 09, 2011 at 07:47:21PM +0200]:
> > Some questions about this:
> >
> > - How many different designs?  (We need "normal", "volunteer", and
> >  "video team" at least)  Colors?
> I'm not saying this as it was already decided. My idea was to have 3
> different shirts, including colors and design. Thoughts?
> (...)
> > - How long will they take to print?
> I'm thinking couple of days, max 3?

Oops... Adnan, a word of warning here, out of my experience. We had a
printing workshop. Yes, small-scale and all, but competitive enough to
have it for a living. My previus couple is an extremely dilligent and
professional person (many people here worked with her and can back my
saying). And for a full run of ~600 shirts... Less than a week _after
having the final designs printed on silk screens_ is just a pipe

Of course, large-scale shops can get this done quicker, but just
because of the scale, it does not work - 600 shirts is too little for
a large workshop with automated machines, and the prices raise in a
way you would not believe.

Also, adding extra designs for shorter runs (volunteer and video) adds
complexity and raises quite a bit more the costs. 

Make it simple, make it quick... And get somebody to do it _now_! (no,
I'm not shouting at _you_, but at the situation - This cannot be done
in a couple of days, we are very very close of being too late to hand
out shirts at registration)
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