On Wed, Mar 23, 2011 at 10:20:46AM +0800, Stefano Zacchiroli wrote:

> Have you considered having rather a sliding DebConf year which is, like,
> a 4 months period with DebConf at its center? Would that be too short in
> your opinion?

My original proposal was two months after DebConf ended.  I think it
would make sense to begin once sponsorship starts coming in.

> > I thought the DPL and the Debian auditor should get access to the
> > DebConf accounting as well.
> AOL, that would ease budget monitoring quite a lot.

I have never considered this in doubt.

I have more to say, but I will finish fully accounting up both
DebConf9 and DebConf10 first.

- richard

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